The Hidden Truth Behind Synthetic Additives in Mass-Produced Flour

The Hidden Truth Behind Synthetic Additives in Mass-Produced Flour

In the world of baking and cooking, flour is a staple ingredient, a cornerstone of countless recipes. However, not all flour is created equal. While many home bakers and small artisanal producers prioritize natural, minimally processed flour, mass producers often rely on synthetic additives to enhance their products. But what exactly are these additives, and why are they used?

What Are Synthetic Additives?

Synthetic additives are man-made chemicals added to flour to achieve specific characteristics. As a precaution, Farm2Flour does NOT use any additives to our flour.  These additives can include:

Bleaching Agents: Chemicals like benzoyl peroxide, chlorine dioxide, chlorine gas, azodicarbonamide (ADA), potassium bromate, and ascorbic acid are used to whiten flour. The alternative to bleaching is to let your flour naturally oxidize as it ages, however, you will also lose nutrients when aging flour.

Preservatives: Calcium propionate and sodium benzoate are added to prevent mold and bacterial growth in long term storage of flour.

Enrichment Agents: Synthetic vitamins and minerals, such as folic acid, niacin, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin, iron, and pantothenic acid are added to replace nutrients lost during processing.

Conditioning Agents: Azodicarbonamide and potassium bromate are used to improve dough elasticity and texture. It's worth noting that California has banned the use of potassium bromate in flour  ( and Europe does not allow potassium bromate or azodicarbonamide in their flour.

Emulsifiers: Chemicals like lecithin are added to help blend ingredients more smoothly and improve dough consistency.

Why Are These Additives Used?

Bleaching agents are used by large manufactures of flour because it speeds up the oxidation process (you lose nutrients during this process) decreasing storage time and space necessary at the processing plant resulting in a cheaper flour than unbleached counterparts.  An alternative to bleaching agents is to let the flour naturally oxidize which may take a few months.

When mass producing billions of pounds of flour from wheat grown around the world, companies must have a long of shelf life sometimes lasting over a year.  In order to accomplish a long shelf life, synthetic preservative chemicals like calcium propionate and sodium benzoate are added to prevent mold and bacterial growth.  An alternative to preservative laced flour is to consume freshly milled flour within 6 months of purchase removing the need for any preservatives.

Synthetic additives can reduce production costs and increase profits for companies who utilize roller mills to remove all but the endosperm in production of flour. When removing 100% of the bran and germ, companies utilizing this highly processed flour must add back in nutrients via synthetic nutrients such as folic acid, thiamine mononitrate, and many more.  Stone milled flour is a great alternative to flours with enrichments because it leaves part of the germ and bran in the flour for natural nutrients. For more information check out our blog (Stone Milling vs Roller Milling: Why Stone Milled Flour Reigns Supreme)

Potassium bromate and azodicarbonamide (ADA) are conditioning agents used to increase dough strength. These synthetic chemicals are used to increase the speed of dough rising and to improve the workability of the dough.

Farm2Flour’s Commitment to Pure, Fresh Flour

At Farm2Flour, we believe that your flour shouldn't come pre-loaded with synthetic ingredients. Our commitment to purity means that our flour is free from harmful additives and chemicals. By choosing Farm2Flour, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your flour is 100% natural, freshly milled, and packed with nutrients just as nature intended. We prioritize sustainable farming practices and meticulous milling processes to ensure that you get the highest quality flour every time. Embrace the wholesome goodness of Farm2Flour and taste the difference in every bite.

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